


Screening is the examination of asymptomatic people in order to classify them as likely or unlikely to have a particular disease. Epidemiologists study the screening of diseases for two reasons: the first is to determine the validity of a screening test, and the second is to evaluate the effectiveness of a screening test in a population. This exercise will lead you through the design and analysis of a study to determine the validity of a screening test in Epiville. At the conclusion of this exercise, you will read an article and answer questions about a study designed to evaluate the effectiveness of a screening test in a population.

Faculty Highlight: Ruby Senie

Dr. Ruby Senie is Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Sociomedical Sciences in the Mailman School of Public Health.

Dr. Senie has devoted more than 20 years to research on breast cancer risk and prognostic factors. Dr. Senie is principal investigator of an NCI -funded project titled the "Metropolitan New York Registry of families at increased risk of breast cancer." Dr. Senie also has a special interest in racial/ethnic disparities associated with detection and prognosis of breast and other cancers, and is principal investigator of the NY component of the NCI -funded Asian American Network for Cancer Awareness Research and Training, which has supported outreach to community-based organizations to provide educational programs and opportunities for cancer screening.

Read more about Dr. Senie's work:

  1. Islam, N. Kwon, SC, Senie R, Kathuria, N. Breast and cervical cancer screening among South Asian women in New York City. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. July 2006 8(3): 211-2.
  2. Senie, R. Santella, R. Ahsan, H. The metropolitan New York Registry and CFRBCS. Unique resources for breast cancer research. Annals of Epidemiology. October 1 2000. 10(7):462.