

Student Role

A goal of the Epiville Department of Health (EDOH) is to reduce the morbidity caused by the neurological disorder Susser Syndrome (SS) . A drug treatment has been found to be successful in alleviating the symptoms of Susser Syndrome in patients that already have clinical presentation and diagnosis of the disease. Now there is reason to believe that if the treatment is begun before clinical symptoms first appear, the treatment can prevent irreversible neurological damage and slow down the progression of the disease accompanied by the worsening of the neurological symptoms. In order to start treatment before the clinical symptoms of Susser Syndrome appear, it is necessary to implement a screening test to identify persons in the detectable pre-clinical phase . A laboratory test called SussStat has been developed that measures a biomarker for asymptomatic neurological damage. The director of the EDOH, Dr. Melissa Zapp, suggests that your next project should be to conduct a study to see how well this new test identifies persons with Susser Syndrome prior to the symptomatic stage.