
SARS Outbreak Study 2

Learning Objectives

A. Identify new concepts and terms:

  1. What are the modes of disease transmission ?
  2. Distinguish among epidemic , endemic , and pandemic .
  3. Define an incubation period .
    • Describe the use of epidemic curves to distinguish among different types of epidemic ( point source, continuous source, propagated epidemic )
  4. Define an epidemic curve and its properties:
  5. Understand the different types of attack rate and calculate primary and secondary attack rates.
  6. Explain the meaning of case-fatality ratio and ways how it can be calculated
  7. Calculate the reproductive rate (R 0 ) .
    • Describe the different components of the reproductive rate ( β, c, and D ).
    • Demonstrate the effects that varying these parameters have on R0.
    • Describe how an epidemic can be controlled by altering these parameters

B. Gather the information you need to formulate study aims, and hypotheses:

  1. Who is at risk of becoming ill?
  2. What is the disease?
  3. What is the source of the epidemic?
  4. What type of epidemic is this?
  5. What is the route of transmission?
  6. What measures to control the outbreak should be implemented?

C. Use your study findings to help you expand and refine the SARS outbreak control measures you developed in SARS I.