Data Collection
With the design of the case-control study complete, you now begin planning the protocol for data collection.
4. What is the best source for ascertaining cases? [Aschengrau & Seage, pp. 236-239]
- Identification of cases of Susser Syndrome from hospital charts of the local hospital. Diagnoses are based on clinical assessment and are supported by brain imaging results.
- Identification of subjects complaining of neurological symptoms from the records of the Superfit Center's staff nurse
- Identification of cases from the records of a prominent Epiville neurologist in private practice
5. What is the best method of ascertaining the cases? [Aschengrau & Seage, pp. 236-239]
- Look through the records of the local hospital dated in the last two years to identify those with the disorder.
- Look through the records of the local hospital dated in the last two years to identify those with the disorder and see if there is information in the chart about their membership in the Superfit Fitness Center
- Link the computer database of the Membership Directory of the Superfit Fitness Center with the discharge database of the local hospital
6. What is the best way to accrue the controls? [Aschengrau & Seage, pp. 239-243]
- Cross-reference the Superfit Fitness Center 's Membership directory with the local hospital's discharge database taking patients treated there for diseases other than the Susser Syndrome.
- Ask the Membership Services of the Superfit Center to provide you with the names of new members who have enrolled in the last year and are active members in good standing.
- Take a random sample of people from the Membership Directory of the Superfit Fitness Center and determine their eligibility criteria. Those eligible will be asked to participate in the study by phone. If they agree to participate, an interview will be scheduled
Now you must decide how you will assess exposure to Quench-It and Endurobrick in your case-control study.
7. Given the study design, what is the best way to define the exposure variable?
- Directly observe the consumption of EnduroBrick or Quench-It at the Superfit Fitness Center
- Question all study subjects as to their own assessment of EnduroBrick and Quench-It consumption using a standardized survey tool.
- Use the Superfit Fitness Center credit card billing system to identify exposure to EnduroBrick and Quench-It in the members.
Having received the necessary IRB approval and addressed various administrative details , the study may now commence. The data begin to file back to the Department of Health and must now be carefully entered into the computer database. Once all of the data are entered, you can proceed to the analysis stage where the associations proposed in your two hypotheses are characterized and tested.