

Quiz 2, Module Randomized

2. What is the primary purpose of randomization in the study design as outlined above?

  1. The biggest strength of the randomized trial design is the experimental manipulation (randomization) of the treatment of interest such that all other causes of disease are equally distributed between those who receive the treatment and those that do not. Thus, treatment will not be associated with any other risk factors for disease (see interactive exercise above for more!)
  2. To ensure that individuals in both the treatment and placebo groups actually take the drug that they are administered
  3. To ensure that the clinicians and study investigators are unaware of the exposure status of the individuals in the study
Answer (a) — correct: One of the biggest strengths of a randomized trial design is its experimental manipulation of the treatment of interest, such that treatment assignment is, on average, not associated with other risk factors for the outcome under investigation. (See interactive exercise above for more!)
Answer (b) — incorrect: Unfortunately, randomization cannot guarantee that individuals actually take the treatment that they are randomized to receive.
Answer (c) — incorrect: This is the purpose of blinding in a randomized trial, not the purpose of randomization. (Blinding prevents clinicians from assigning treatment differentially based on knowledge of treatment assignment.)