

Quiz 5, Module Case-Control

5. What is the best method of ascertaining the cases? [Aschengrau & Seage, pp. 236-239]

  1. Look through the records of the local hospital dated in the last two years to identify those with the disorder.
  2. Look through the records of the local hospital dated in the last two years to identify those with the disorder and see if there is information in the chart about their membership in the Superfit Fitness Center
  3. Link the computer database of the Membership Directory of the Superfit Fitness Center with the discharge database of the local hospital
Answer (a) — incorrect: Since we defined our source population as those who attend the Superfit Fitness Center, we need to limit our cases to those arising from this population.
Answer (b) — incorrect: Although logical, this is not the best method of ascertaining cases since one's gym membership is not normally part of a medical workup. In addition, cases that terminated their club membership as a result of their illness would be missed.
Answer (c) — correct: Modern computer linkage techniques allow for correct identification of approximately 95% of people based on their name and birth date. Because the local hospital treats all potential cases, the only cases you are likely to miss are those who moved out of the area before treatment or those patients discharged after the study end date. Because of the setup, all cases would come from the population attending the Superfit Fitness Center.