

Quiz 7, Module Cohort

7. Calculation of the rate ratio [Aschengrau & Seage, Chapter 3].

The data collected by your team yield the following information:

  • Number of cases among exposed - 74
  • Number of cases among unexposed - 120
  • Number of exposed person-time of observation (PYO)- 3,675
    • Low exposure group- 2,000 PYO's
    • Medium exposure group- 1,225 PYO's
    • High exposure group- 450 PYO's
  • Number of unexposed PYO's- 14,550
  1. How would you present the data in the 2x2 format?
  2. Calculate the incidence rate among the exposed. The formula for calculating incidence rate is: (Number of exposed cases during 2-yr time period) / (PYO's among exposed persons during 2-yr time period)
  3. Calculate the incidence rate among the unexposed.
  4. Calculate the rate ratio.
  5. Interpret your findings.
Answer (a) —
Disease + Total PYO's over 2-yr time period
Exposed 74 3,675
Unexposed 120 14,550
Answer (b) —

(Number of exposed cases during 2-yr time period) / (PYO's among exposed persons during 2-yr time period)

= 74/3,675

= 0.0200 (or 20 cases per 1,000 PYO's)

The rate of Susser Syndrome among those exposed to SUPERCLEAN (for at least 6 months) is 20 cases per 1,000 PYO's.

Answer (c) —

(Number of unexposed cases during 2-yr time period) / (PYO's among unexposed persons during 2-yr time period)

= 120/14,550

= 0.0082 (or approximately 8 cases per 1,000 PYO's)

The rate of Susser Syndrome among those unexposed to SUPERCLEAN is 8 cases per 1,000 PYO's.

Answer (d) —

(Rate of disease among the exposed) / (Rate of disease among the unexposed)

= 0.0200/0.0082

= 2.44

Answer (e) —
none: Those who were exposed to chemicals involved in the SUPERCLEAN production for at least 6 months have a 2.44 times higher rate of developing Susser Syndrome than those who were not exposed to SUPERCLEAN production.