

Quiz 9, Module Case-control

9. How would you set up the classic 2x2 table using the above information to test the hypothesis that cases are more likely to have consumed Quench-It than controls?

  1. See the 2x2 table
  2. Calculate the odds of exposure among cases
  3. Calculate the odds of exposure among controls
  4. Calculate the exposure Odds Ratio (OR)
  5. Calculate the odds of Susser Syndrome among the exposed
  6. Calculate the odds of Susser Syndrome among the unexposed
  7. Calculate the disease Odds Ratio
  8. Interpret your findings
Answer (a) —
Case Control Total
Exposed (Quench-it) 50 56 106
Unexposed (No Quench-it) 62 168 230
Total 112 224 336
Answer (b) —

Odds of exposure among cases (# of Cases exposed) / (# of Cases unexposed)

50 / 62 = 0.806

Answer (c) —

Odds of exposure among controls (# of Controls exposed) / (# of Controls unexposed)

56 / 168 = 0.333

Answer (d) —

OR = (Odds of Exposure among Cases) / (Odds of Exposure among Controls)

OR = (50/62) / (56/168) = 2.4 or 0.806 / 0.333 = 2.4

Answer (e) —

Odds of disease among exposed (# of Cases Exposed) / (# of Controls Exposed)

50 / 56 = 0.893

Answer (f) —

Odds of disease among unexposed (# of Cases Unexposed) / (# of Controls Unexposed)

62 / 168 = 0.369

Answer (g) —

OR = Odds of disease among Exposed / Odds of disease among Unexposed

OR = (50/56) / (62/168) = 2.4 or 0.893/0.369 = 2.4

Answer (h) —

Individuals with Susser Syndrome (cases) have 2.4 times higher odds of having consumed Quench-It than those without Susser Syndrome (controls). Conversely, individuals who drank Quench-It have a 2.4 times higher odds of developing Susser Syndrome than those who did not drink Quench-It. The OR = 2.4 supports a positive association between Susser Syndrome and Quench-It consumption.