

Quiz 6, Module Randomized

6. Are one or both of the following answers correct concerning what you can conclude by comparing the two incidence proportions calculated above?

  1. Only the following statement: The incidence of Stage III Susser Syndrome is 3.5 times higher in the placebo group compared with the KimFaderol group.
  2. Only the following statement: The incidence of Stage III Susser Syndrome is 62% less in the KimFaderol group compared with the placebo group.
  3. Both A and B are correct.
Answer (a) — incorrect: While the above is true, comparing the ratio of the incidence proportion in the placebo group to the KimFaderol group, other answers are also correct.
Answer (b) — incorrect: While the above is true, comparing the difference between the incidence proportion in the placebo group and the KimFaderol group, other answers are also correct.
Answer (c) — correct: Choice A compares the ratio of incidence proportions (the Risk Ratio) in the two treatment groups, while choice B compares the difference between incidence proportions (the Risk Difference) in the two groups. The Risk Ratio is often used to evaluate the strength of the association, while the Risk Difference is often used to measure the public health importance of a given association. Thus, they are both important in the evaluation of the results of the study.